jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2019

Extracting (all) CKM ValueSets

A derived results from the latest developments on the openEHR -> FHIR transformation is that I end up developing a method to analyze all the contents of an archetype to identify potential elements to end in a profile, regardless of the source class of the archetype. With that method developed, there was only a sensible thing to do...

Based on the CKM github mirror I applied the process to generate the profiles for each archetype, which in the end generates the ValueSets for each DV_CODED_TEXT, DV_ORDINAL, and even DV_QUANTITY units.

So this is the result. A set of 1023 ValueSet profiles where generated. This shows how much knowledge and effort has been put into developing CKM archetypes. For example, "location of measurement" ValueSet provides a set of 15 terms translated to 15 languages, which is something I've never seen before in a given subset.

Extract from locationofmeasurement ValueSet

I plan on regenerating this from time to time, so check the date for getting the latest version.

(and as a remainder, unless stated otherwise everything I put in this website has a CC-BY-SA license, so take it, try to break it and tell me if it actually breaks ;)

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2019

Using LinkEHR to generate FHIR Observation profiles

After my last 'summer challenge' post one of the missing things was to make it publicly available in a simple way. This post shows how that algorithm was actually implemented in LinkEHR. This functionality is available in LinkEHR version that can be downloaded from linkehr.com

The process is quite straightforward:
  1. Open a given archetype (or import OPT)
    1. Process is NOT limited to openEHR Observation archetypes, any archetype can be feed as an input. Output will always be FHIR observation profile/s
  2. Launch the wizard in Advanced utilities -> Transform openEHR to FHIR observation
  3. Select an output path
  4. Select the archetype paths to be exported
    1. The process lists all paths with a leaf node, regardless of where are they included in the archetype (data, protocol, etc.)
  5. Select the type of the element in the FHIR profile (as Observation.component, as Observation.value or as a new extension)
  6. Check the suitable options from the bottom and press Finish

Process should provide a observation profile + a set of ValueSets coming from the coded values of the archetype. It also provides the Extension profiles from nodes selected as extension (if any)

What is currently supported via UI

  • Add translations to ValueSets
  • Support to OPTs as input 
    • Presented OPT paths are not as readable as in normal archetypes, but the process should work Ok anyway
  • Generate mapping file
    • Creates a LinkEHR mapping file containing the mapping the openEHR source paths to the target FHIR XML paths
  • Generate empty FHIR archetype
    • This creates an empty FHIR archetype for being use with the above mapping file. This allows the automatic generation of an XQuery program to transform openEHR data instances into FHIR data instances

 What is currently supported by code (hopefully soon in the UI)

  • Generate a set of observation profiles from a single openEHR archetype. 
    • Still evaluating how to create a simple UI for this functionality
  • Deal with underlying openEHR Reference Model
    • Some RM attributes are probably interesting to be included in profiles, which means some kind of merge of RM + archetype must be done
  • Generating STU3 profiles
    • It is supported to generate both R4 and STU3 "flavours"of FHIR. However, needs more testing to ensure everything is still correct after latest changes.

Currently working on

  • Dealing with DV_IDENTIFIER. 
    • No support for Identifier type in Observation.component.value[x] means that either identifiers are put in some specific paths in the FHIR profile or we create extensions. Trying to identify all these possible paths to ask users what they want to do with them

Potential improvements

  • Support other reference models
    • ISO 13606 would be almost trivial, but probably other RM such as HL7 CDA are interesting to tackle
  • Create Bundles to group the observations
  • Evaluate other classes (openEHR Composition with FHIR Composition resource)

Please tell me any doubt, problem, or error you found with the process so I can fix it. Probably best channel is by twitter (@yampeku)

PS: This functionality has actually been a month included in the tool, but only a few selected people knew it was already there to get their feedback

miércoles, 10 de julio de 2019

openEHR Observations to FHIR profiles, my 2019 summer challenge

This personal challenge started with a tweet from @siljelb asking for tooling for transforming openEHR archetypes to FHIR profiles. This was something I've always wanted to prove, so why not turn this into a personal summer challenge?

FHIR to openEHR 


My first thought was to generate an archetype from all the different components and extensions included in a FHIR profile. The rationale being that we already have systems capable of supporting arbitrary archetypes and archetypes have little problems when you want to include an unknown/big set of data values. After a little bit of profile analysis and a little trial and error I ended with a method that received an observation profile (with all the definitions of the extension it contained) and outputted a single observation archetype. As an example, here is the algorithm applied to the genomics profile.

Original genomics profile

Output observation archetype

(I would found later on that this particular example is not really accurate of how complex observations should be modeled in FHIR, but algorithm should stay more or less the same).

Although it seemed like a good idea at first, this transformation has a big issue: Two slightly different profiles will give us two different archetypes that will have to rely fully on terminology bindings to know they are talking about the same, which kind of goes against the philosophy of one archetype per concept. Archetypes are supposed to represent a universal use case (aiming to a max data set instead of a 80/20). These FHIR to openEHR transformations could work well enough in isolation or a single project but not a CKM-type environment. FHIR embraces local profiles and extensions, which could make their governance quite an issue.

openEHR to FHIR

One important lesson to get from this first experience is that a set of profiles will transform into a single archetype, but also a single archetype will end as a set of profiles! So while the FHIR → openEHR way only generates a single archetype and doesn't need any further user input besides choosing the set of profiles, the openEHR → FHIR transformation needs more information. Specifically, we need to tell the algorithm three things:
  • Select the Element that would go into the value part of the Observation profile (if any)
  • Select the list of elements that will end as components (they can go without value, they can also be an empty list)
  • Select which Elements of the original archetype are suitable to be transformed into extensions.
For first two, openEHR Clusters can give an idea of pieces of an observation that make sense as a group. So from there users should be able to choose what constitutes the value and what parts constitute the components. Clusters in Clusters are an interesting use case that probably needs that users choose directly how it should be generated. If we consider that every part in the archetype is equally important, then everything could end in profiles with values constraint to [0..0] and every archetype part modeled as components, which could make this process completely automatic.

For knowing what could be an extension, archetype slots provide an excellent indication. We could also analyze all archetypes in one go and create the different parts that could be reused as extensions (Can we create some default Protocol-like profiles? Do we need to take into account default parts from RM and always include them as extensions?)

Once we decide that, the generation of the Observation, Extension, and even ValueSet profiles is quite straightforward. For data types equivalences, I built this transformation based on the openEHR wiki page about data types equivalence. For the moment only the most usual data types have been translated (namely DV_TEXT, DV_CODED_TEXT, DV_DATE_TIME and DV_QUANTITY), but adding new ones should be easy (with maybe the exception of DV_ORDINAL alternatives).

Snippet of State of Dress valueset

The profile differences between STU3 and R4 aren't too many, so I've included support for both generations. User can choose which one generate as a parameter.

The generated profiles were adjusted thanks to the Hammer tool, so they should be correct for STU3. After a bit of tweaking I got rid of the unknown error that was preventing me to import them into Forge R4, so they should also be R4 compliant.

Weight profile from openEHR weight observation archetype

What's next

  • More testing! 
    • Do you have any archetype you want to test?
    • Could be interesting to process all CKM in one go? (at least for ValueSets)
  • Should we put all generated ValueSets in our FHIR terminology service?
  • More data types!
    • Some data types are still missing. I think that it is possible that some data types, such as openEHR Ordinals alternatives will provide bigger challenge if they have additional optional elements.
  • Make it more configurable, e.g. change base uris, etc.
  • Put the algorithm into LinkEHR Editor and provide a minimal user interface to ease the element selection process.
  • Use the process to generate the mapping that will generate automatically a transformation program to generate the different FHIR Observation instances.
    • Mapping seems that could be bidirectional, as it seems that all mappings are atomic.

Lessons learned

  • It is feasible to create a semiautomatic translation from openEHR to FHIR. We can make global assumptions to make this process automatic.
  • FHIR to openEHR transformation is straightforward, however to take advantage of the big amount of high quality clinical models already avaliable in openEHR it seems preferable to use openEHR archetypes as a basis and generate profiles for them.
  • The differences in StructureDefinition between STU3 and R4 that matter to this transformation are manageable.

Bonus for those of you getting to the end, the good ol' Blood pressure archetype as a FHIR observation profile