jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2019

Extracting (all) CKM ValueSets

A derived results from the latest developments on the openEHR -> FHIR transformation is that I end up developing a method to analyze all the contents of an archetype to identify potential elements to end in a profile, regardless of the source class of the archetype. With that method developed, there was only a sensible thing to do...

Based on the CKM github mirror I applied the process to generate the profiles for each archetype, which in the end generates the ValueSets for each DV_CODED_TEXT, DV_ORDINAL, and even DV_QUANTITY units.

So this is the result. A set of 1023 ValueSet profiles where generated. This shows how much knowledge and effort has been put into developing CKM archetypes. For example, "location of measurement" ValueSet provides a set of 15 terms translated to 15 languages, which is something I've never seen before in a given subset.

Extract from locationofmeasurement ValueSet

I plan on regenerating this from time to time, so check the date for getting the latest version.

(and as a remainder, unless stated otherwise everything I put in this website has a CC-BY-SA license, so take it, try to break it and tell me if it actually breaks ;)

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